Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Once upon a time

I have always been a fan of classic fairy tales. Watching the Disney versions of Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the beast, and my favourite, Snow White is always an enjoyable way to pass the time. Being more of an adult now, I do realise that the story lines presented in them are not often beneficial to a young lady’s mind – a prince is never that charming.

When my sister told me about a new series, Once upon a time, I expected it to be sweet and very romantic, but in line with what we always saw in the versions I watched. Needless to say is it wasn't like anything I was expecting.

On her 28th birthday, Emma Swan (Played by Jennifer Morrison) is tracked down by the son she gave up for adoption, Henry (Jared S. Gilmore). She decides to take him back to his home town Storybrooke, in Maine, USA. Henry is convinced the town is under a powerful curse, which brought its residents to our world. The residents are in fact storybook characters, who have forgotten their true identities as a result of the curse. His beliefs are centred on a storybook in his possession, which contains pictures with uncanny references to the towns’ inhabitants. Henry believes his adoptive mother, Regina Mills (Lana Parilla) is the evil queen, and behind the terrible events. Worried for his mental health, Emma stays in Storybrooke, where she is appointed as deputy of police.

During the season, each characters true past is shown to the audience. The stories told are completely different from the classics, and shows the bravery of each princess and prince. You get to see how Emma slowly starts to suspect that Henry is telling the truth – as impossible as it seems. The characters are intense, excellently portrayed, and heart-breaking to watch.

Perhaps the most heart-breaking tale is Snow White (Ginnifer Goodwin) her losses through her life, and why the evil queen hates her so much. I will not spoil it for you, but it is heart wrenching to see.

It is enjoyable to watch for numerous reasons. There is the delightful twist on classic tales, the story of how a bad girl finds her anchor in life through her son, and perhaps the best of all: strong female characters who survive on their own. Their princes in real life are mostly weak willed, afraid and very uncertain. The portrayals of these characters are inspiring and more beneficial than any of the other females currently portrayed on television.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmm... I still don't know if I want to watch it. You like it, but is it something that I could watch?
