Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Witness the fitness

I gym at Virgin Active Glenvista - an excellent gym. Modern and clean, with everything you need. The staff is fantastic, helpful and friendly (rarities in South-Africa). 

We have some very interesting characters:

The I'm sexy and I know it type:
Omies in shorts with huge pense: They strut around in tight lycra clothing (I was once subjected to a yellow lycra one piece) with the confidence of a Ryk Neethling lookalike. They simply amaze me because they belong to a dying breed of human who doesn't care what other people think.

The check-out-my-guns type.
These laaities gym spesifically in help my sterk lyk hempies to show off their arms. They are usually spotted in the weight section, lifting and checking themselves out in the mirrors. They also belong in the strutting section, since they love to walk around and look awesome.

Lance Armstrong wannabees:
Cycling each day in their tight shorts (for which I thank them)

The delusional type;
I honestly admire anyone that has the courage to exercises in a public place, no matter your size. Getting there is already such an accomplishment. The small faction that annoys me most is the ladies who are at least 80 kilo's overweight, and has the audacity to judge other people on their weight. (I overheard a 150kg lady saying another girl is fat - bit rich, eh?) 

The I'm-changing-my-life-type
Making everyone else look bad, at gym everyday, losing weight like it is easy. I admire you so much.

Secret nudist campers:
Thanks for walking around the bathroom without a stitch clothing on - I really wanted to see everything about you. Inject severe sarcasm.

The gym is a social experience.
For all the ladies who spends 50 minutes in conversation and 10 minutes on the treadmill and calls it a day. Excruciating workout? 

The gym is there to find a date:
The ladies with more make-up on than a Revlon spokesperson, and shorts so short it can be found in the underwear section. If guys really falls for that, they really are stupid.

The normal folks (to which I hope I can claim myself)
Going to gym, and really exercising (and sweating to prove it). That is what gym is for, ladies and gentlemen.

Bit of translation if you don't understand Afrikaans:
Omies: Originally oom - uncle. We call everyone older oom and tannie (uncle and aunt) here.
Pense: plural of stomach.
Help my sterk lyk hempies: Tongue in the cheek reference to tank tops when guys wear them to show off their muscles.
Laaities: young men

Have a good day!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Possibly my favourite movie of all time

Drop everything and go watch the Avengers. It is fantastic. Superb. No, really, go buy it now and watch it. It is so worth your time and money.

Truthfully, I watched it the second time this weekend. I love it more every time I do. Directed by Joss Whedon, it is the best movie of 2012, and maybe my favourite movie ever. That is a big thing to say.

I thoroughly enjoyed the storyline (originally by Marvel comics), the cast (the ridiculously handsome cast) and the execution of events. Not once does the movie seem too long (and it is over 2 hours of watching time)

Do yourself a favour. Watch it.

PS: I can’t wait for Iron Man 3 and Avengers 2.

PPS: this is where you all finally found out my nerd streak.


Monday, October 29, 2012

Favourite Television shows

I am back!

Here are some of my favourite television shows of all time:

Big Bang Theory

Gossip Girl

Pretty Little Liars

Vampire diaries (as previously noted)

What's your favourite?


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Quick catch up

I'm so sorry I have been absent the past few days! 

I have been studying my but off for my exam tomorrow - I am writing maths and really needed to focus. Earlier tonight I had a bit of a freaking out session, but I am feeling more confident now. This is the most studying I have done for any test since I came out of highschool. I don't even want a good grade - I just want to pass. Keep those fingers crossed!

Now that you know why I was missing, I would like to tell you about something that I witnessed on Tuesday.

Johannesburg is a beautiful city, but alas, it is a city. While driving home from gym, I saw the most spectacular sight. We have had a lot of rain these past couple of days, and the sky was cast over and really cloudy. But it was just so breathtaking! There were so many colors - pink, purple, blue, grey, orange, red. Breathtaking. I couldn't get a picture, sadly (moving car and I only had the Blackberry on me). It just reminded me how perfect this world was made, despite the efforts of the human race to destroy it.

In other news, I have been sticking to my diet like a professional! I haven't even climbed on the scale yet - but I really hope to see results soon.

Keep those fingers crossed for me!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Things of late that I have noticed.

I can browse the internet the entire day.
I will never be able to switch over to E-books completely. Nothing beats holding a book in your hands.
Reading will always be one of my greatest pleasures.
Being single is sometimes inconvenient, but not too bad.
I tend to be serious, with a humorous side thrown in.
I still am finding out who I am.
You really do become like the 5 people you spend the most time with.
I prefer writing in a bullet point style rather than in a paragraph.
Dreams only become reality when you actively seek to achieve them.
Little kittens are probably the cutest things on earth.
I want to own a French bulldog one day.
Song of the moment - Florence and the Machines: Never Let Me Go.
Having to accept things you thought you had already accepted.
Few true friends are better than many fake friends.
You don’t have to know everything. People that think they do are pretty damn annoying.
Rain on the roof is a good sedative.
Always either save the address or follow a good blog when you find it. There are so many blogs out there it is impossible to finding the same one twice by accident.
Growing your hair is a difficult thing to do.
Honesty, integrity and faith are the most beautiful characteristics a man can have.
I will marry a man that shares my obsession with Harry Potter.(or at least accepts it)

Monday, October 22, 2012

Pet peeves

Not sure if there is any complete description on what a pet peeve is, but here is my attempt: Despising some action or statement of mass stupidity with continuing regularity.

I don't even know if that makes sense. 

Here's mine:
Treating a waiter badly.
Terrible customer care.
Being Unhygienic.
Bad spelling.

I was motivated to make this post since I received some crappy service from a certain pizza delivery company. We ordered 5 pizza's, received four, and was charged for five. I FREAKING KNOW RIGHT? That said, they usually provide great, friendly service, so today was probably an accident or some lame brained idiot. Possibly the latter, however.

What are yours?

Friday, October 19, 2012

One day

Dreams for the future

 To live in the future isn't very healthy. Live for today, but keep on dreaming for the things you plan to get done. It motivates me to get through the crappy, boring days where I wonder if I am doing things right. 

Your destiny will lead you to the place you are supposed to be. So, embrace today and be excited for tomorrow. Don't forget the past, but don't live there too.

Focus on what makes you happy, and do that more often. Stop focusing on your weak points, and develop the strong ones.

In the future I will:
 Own Louboutin shoes (even if it is only one pair)

Find the perfect man and marry the crap out of him :D
Write a book and get published. 
Do some adrenaline runs (skydiving, bungee jumping, etc.)

Wishing everyone the bestest Friday.


Thursday, October 18, 2012

Earth to mind?

I am very confused today. 

My mind is all over the place!

A combination of:

Very brainy demanding work.

Studying maths each night for HOURS.

Still being pissed about my car-less life.

... and I haven't had any breakfast yet.

According to Wikipedia:

Confusion (from Latin confusÄ­o, -ōnis, noun of action from confundere "to pour together", or "to mingle together"[1] also "to confuse") is the state of being bewildered or unclear in one’s mind about something:[2]

Well, I am definitely bewildered at the moment.

Still without a laptop at night (cable is still broken).

If I ever finish the maths, I need to watch my few final episodes of Vampire Diaries Season 3. I have savoured them to keep me strong until I can get Season 4. The books were such a disappointment though - I would recommend whoever is making Fifty Shades of Grey into a movie, to speak to the screenwriters/producers of Vampire Diaries. If they could make those books into a successful franchise, they can definitely save Fifty Shades.


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

On my mind today


What's on my mind at the moment:

I am taking a break from drinking coffee for a few days.. I usually drink only one cup, but lately the amount has spiked to five a day (which means I can't sleep at night)

I would love a set of Lord of the Rings books like these! I have all three books, but as one book. 

I am craving a new pair of shoes. I still haven't bought any yet, since I am really broke this month. But I NEED HEELS URGENTLY. 

Have a good day!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Stone ages

I feel like I am living in the Stone Age.

My Laptop's cable broke, and now I can't do anything on it at night since I am still waiting for the replacement. Nightmare.
I still have my phone to keep me connected to the world, but it is just not the same. 

I miss you dear laptop.
Hope we are getting reunited soon!

Today is...

Technically it is my Monday today, because I had study leave yesterday. 
Which makes it better and worse - the weekend will come quicker in my mind now.
It seems everything goes wrong when I take leave.
Scary right?

The test was easy (Major plus!)
Now I am studying for my maths test on the 26th of October.
I am scared, but maintaining a positive attitude about it.

I am thinking about taking some extra courses in writing or literature next semester, to keep things interesting for me.

I really want to go watch the new Bond movie when it comes out - Daniel Craig, Yes please! 

Hope you all are keeping those fingers crossed for me - I want to book for my driver's license the same day as when I write my maths test. I am planning to pass this time!


Friday, October 12, 2012


So I changed my blog template... Again. Sue me. I feel the judgement waves across the screen. I changed it since I am feeling miserable (not because of the judgement) so I am in the mood for something a little simpler. What do you think?

The main reason for the post is not to report my design changes, no. It is to ask the following question..

What differences lies in people that come from different countries? Theranne and I discussed yesterday that it always seems that people from "overseas" - meaning any other country - is slightly more glamorous than us South-Africans?

I came to the conclusion that it may be because most of the foreigners we encounter come from first world countries and just grew up differently than us. They have more resources available, so obviously they can achieve much more easily.

Not that South-Africa isn't amazing. Compared to other African countries, we are the place to be.

Any ideas on this?

PS: REason for the misery - I have a toothache from the pits of hell and I have an irrational fear of dentists. So please keep those fingers crossed that the pain goes away and I am feeling better without the help of the Sadistics (I don't care if it is not a real word)


Fetish Friday

I am a proud shoe buying fanatic. Happy Friday.

You're welcome ;)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Living on the wild side

This week has flown by! Not complaining though - it hasn't been the best of weeks for me. But I decided not to complain about work any more on here - I really like my job! (what I don't like is the noise some of my co-workers are currently making)


I started learning for my Unisa Exams finally. On Monday I am writing EUP (a very basic computer subject compulsory for Unisa students) and then on the 26th I am writing Mathematics - I will probably be going crazy by then due to a combination of no sleep and freaking out.

Thinking of booking my license again. I really want it before the end of the year, and need to book it now - the testing stations here are really over booked. I drove to work perfectly this morning, a great accomplishment - Soweto traffic isn't kind to learner drivers.

I really want a new pair of shoes. Which I can't really afford now. Something to think about..

We are going to the Doors tomorrow night. I can't wait! 

Have a happy Thursday,

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

End of the world

What else wants to go wrong? It is barely mid week, and the world is coming to an end.

like yesterday wasn't too much drama already with the break in.

now there is no water supply. In a building that sits in a hospital. NICE.

Picture this: No water until Friday.
Twelve story building. 
Can you imagine the smell when the water finally starts working?
Because, for some reason, people forget to remember that they are still supposed to flush the toilet after using it!
over share, I know.

Please keep me in your thoughts.
My situation stinks at the moment.
Pun intended.

This weekend better be effing worth it.

Yours truly,

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Losing it in this place

Morning blogreaders!

Life at the office is crazy today. Our clinic was broken into last night, so everything is messed up right now. We are really lucky that there wasn't too much to steal in there. Small miracles!

The weather is so lovely. Nothing makes me happier than waking up at night because of a thunderstorm. The rainy weather is making me really happy. 

Here are some pictures of things I love for you (and me, since this day has been a bit crazy) Hope you enjoy them.

PS: I am itching to change my template again. Sigh.
PPS: Good luck to my friend Anell with her driver's license test Thursday! 

 The Lord of the Rings movies

 Lab humour

Quotes that makes me think about life. 

 Reading good books

My favourite vampire  - Damon Salvatore

Happy days readers!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Weekend stuff!

Meh… it is Monday. I am so tired!

What a weekend though! Friday night we went to see the Five Year Engagement. It was hilarious. I just love Jason Segel. He is so cute and funny! And wow, Emily Blunt is really beautiful. I didn’t expect her to be so good at comedy! I will (maybe) make a post on the whole movie.

Saturday we went to the Joburg Pride Parade in Melville. My sister seems to think people will assume I am gay when they read this, so for the record I am straight! Everybody in my family is just activists for equal rights. That said I was really curious to see how it was. I should say I was very impressed. It was well planned, and the atmosphere was so cheerful. Everybody was having a good time and the costumes were amazing.

 Me and the little sister

 Sisters: Theranne, Melissa, Natasha

Then, like the day hadn’t been crazy enough, we went to Makiti’s the evening. It is this really Afrikaans dancing joint (I say joint since club doesn’t fit) and partied there until 2am.

Needless to say, I spent the entire Sunday recovering.

Was a pretty great weekend though.


Friday, October 5, 2012

Potter tribute

It is no small fact that I am a huge Harry Potter fan. I read it the first time at 11 (I read the Prisoner of Azkaban first) and was hooked from then. JK Rowling is, without a doubt, the finest writer of our times. 

Here is some pics to let you know how crazy I am about Harry Potter! I am lucky to share my Potter mania with my little sister, Melissa, and one of my best friends, ZoĆ« (she blogs at ) This is for you, ladies!

 I want this for Christmas!!

 I want the above and below too, please ;)

I will never get over Harry Potter!
Hope you enjoyed my nerdiness!
