Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday Fots

You may wonder what a Fot is. It is a thought, spoken in an Afrikaans accent. 

So, my fot for today is: People should realise what confidentiality means. Friends are the people you are supposed to trust with your life and share secrets with without fearing it being leaked into our judgemental world.

I was incredibly shocked when I learned that people leaked confidential information about someone I know .

So here is my question to you, readers: what do you consider before sharing your secrets, and do you share secrets when you are not supposed to?


Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Since it is so easy to forget the good and only focus on the bad, this is a post for the things I am thankful for:

Unemployment is one of the biggest worries across the globe, so having a reliable source of income is a great blessing.

Even though they are sometimes over bearing and inquisitive, they complete me and I wouldn’t be able to live without them.

True Friends
For sticking with me through all the ups and downs in life, supporting, teasing and encouraging me. You are one of life’s greatest gifts.

Being healthy
I am thankful for being able to see and hear beautiful things, and for not having any lasting physical or mental diseases.

Freedom of religion
I am blessed because I live in a country that allows you to believe what you want, without fearing for your life.

My animals.
Nothing beats coming home to your dogs and/or cats, and having them excited to see you.

Being able to notice the small things in life, like a thoughtful gift, kind gestures, funny moments and beautiful sunsets.

Listening to music and feeling completely understood when a song describes your life to perfection.

Being thankful that I am able to read and write. Being literate is the greatest power anyone can have.

Appreciating the pretty things we take for granted. Nature, clothes, gadgets...

What are you thankful for?

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


I have a confession:

I really love reality shows.

I am watching the X factor USA season 1 now. The SABC (public broadcaster in SA) often airs older versions of international reality shows (that is why I am watching season 1).

Thoughts when I am watching:
·         I swear some of the contestants have no one that loves them. I would never allow someone I care about to make their name bananas in front of millions.
·         For what is Paula Abdul famous? I have never seen or heard of her, yet she gets so much international coverage.
·         Simon Cowell is incredibly attractive for an older gentleman. I like his narkiness too.
·         L.A. Reid scares me a little. He seems like a very rich, successful and talented gangster. Probably the most successful music producer of our time.
·         Talent has nothing to do with age.

Why I love the show so much:
It provides an opportunity for talented people to get noticed who wouldn't have the chance normally.
The contestants are really hilarious.


Friday, November 23, 2012

Breaking Dawn Part two

I foolishly said that I feared being bored in the cinema while watching the last of this series.


I sat there chewing fingernails. It was spectacular. The other four movies in the franchise were average at best, but they managed to turn this into a great adventure.

When Bella is turned into a vampire by Edward, the Volturi mistakenly believe that their hybrid child, Renesmee, is an immortal child (who were wiped out because of their inability to learn control). Aro's (played by Michael Sheen) greed is displayed spectacularly. Michael Sheen was the perfect choice for the character.

I appreciated that they followed the book for at least 95% of the time - it is very frustrating when directors/screenwriters/whoever changes the storyline. There is one amazing scene, that wasn't in the book, that will leave you gob-smacked for a while. I won't say too much, for those who still need to watch it. I nearly chewed off my hand at that particular part, just by the way.

If you are not a twilight fan, and want to experience some of it just to be informed, this is definitely the movie to watch. It joined my favourite movies of 2012 list, and let me tell you, that is a fantastic honour since there was so many greats this year.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Friday, November 16, 2012


Happy Friday, people!

I am hysterically happy that it is the end of the week.
Work is very rough at the moment. 

But I am getting my reward.
Watching Breaking Dawn tonight.
To be honest, I have mostly outgrown it, but I am fond of it nonetheless.
I will watch this last instalment with happiness, but don't expect any tears when it is done!

I have started watching the third season of Pretty Little Liars.
Had no idea I would end up so addicted to the show. Go try it out if you need something new to watch!

Another good thing is that I have started writing again.
Not like the blog (that too), but something of a story.
I have been having something of a writers block these past few years. Maybe if I am lucky, I will be able to finish the book. regardless if it ever gets published, I will be proud of myself. It is a great way of releasing my tension.

Have a good day, peeps.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I can't believe that November is almost over. I am so thankful that December is approaching. I just want this year over and done with. Sorry, but 2012 has been crap.

I thought I was the only one who felt like this. Silly me. It seems everywhere I look someone is suffering from emotional or physical exhaustion. People are tired and cranky, and they are ready to explode at the slightest provocation. When I get home at night, I am coherent for about an hour and then the exhaustion nearly kills me.

Why? I simply think that this year has run its course and people are simply over it. I do not think the world will end (alas, we are not that lucky) but it would seem that things are different. A frightening fact that I have always believed is that the earth will survive and repair itself from all the human damage, while the humans might not be so lucky.

I am not sure WHAT is wrong with humanity. Why is there so little tolerance towards other religions and cultures and sexuality? We are not to judge, we are not perfect. Yet my Facebook status updates was bombarded with irritated posts regarding Dewali. I understand the frustration regarding the crackers, my pets were afraid too, but just respect other people's religion too, please.

Also more than a little shocked with what is happening with the demolition of "illegal" houses in Lenasia, south of Johannesburg. These are not shacks, government. these are ACTUAL houses. For them to have been built, the builders would need permits - from the GOVERNMENT. Hope my point is made there.

Anyhow, apologies for the ranting. 

here is to a good December and 2013!


Monday, November 12, 2012

A writer worth mentioning

I have always been a fan of romantic literature. But as of late, I became increasingly annoyed with the unrealistic storyline  and female characters obsessed with finding a mate, while the writer still trying to portray her as strong and independent.

I decided to try something new. I have been reading different genres or simply different writers than I usually would. While still loving anything Nora Roberts wrote, I knew I was starting to outgrow the books I normally loved.

I regarded Marian Keyes as just another romance novelist (even though I had heard great reviews about her) Therefore, I reluctantly chose to read one of her books during a night of great boredom. I chose to read Rachel’s Holiday. What a surprise. Meet Rachel, a drug addict who refuses to acknowledge her addiction, even though she was hospitalised after an overdose. You follow her journey through recovery. It is comical, painful and beautiful. Rachel is as real to you as someone you would know personally (the mark of a truly good book). She is relatable and flawed, desperately insecure and carries baggage. Every woman that reads about her will find something that they can relate to.

What I love about Marian’s books is that they have elements of romance in, but the ladies struggle with other problems too.

I also read The Other Side of the Story. It is complex and very beautiful.

This weekend I chose to read This Charming Man. I read 700 pages of the 800 pages in two days (a new record even for me). I have never been more eager to get to see how it ends. She addresses woman abuse, power hungry men and insecure females. Without giving away too much, you will be so touched and appalled and completely addicted. There is only one character I hate more than Paddy de Courcy is Dolores Umbridge (from Harry Potter).

Definitely give one of her books a try!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Leave of abscense

It feels like it has been ages since I wrote on here (I think I wrote sometime Monday). Life has been rather hectic lately. It seems like I will have to really work very hard to get to December and my leave (I can't wait to take some time off)

I am not writing much on here because of my current workload, and when I finally get home at night, I just pass out on the bed and sleep. But I miss it terribly! ;( I promised myself when I started a blog, I would stay dedicated to it and not lose track. So I WILL continue to keep posting, even though it is just every few days.

Keep well!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

a little droopy

Ah. It is nearly the end of the year. 
You start feeling droopy, dead, asleep and moody.

Some tips to feel better:

Become an alcoholic.
Thoroughly discussed at work, we firmly believe that companies should pay employees's rehabilitation costs, should this ever happen.

Console yourself with a mountain of food and feel (temporarily) better. Then go to step three.

Exercise like crazy:
Go on, go get those endorphins. Run away from your problems, punch your frenemies through the punching bag, lift some weights to get that chip off your shoulder.

Read a bad book:
You would be so disgusted at the bad grammar and language, that you would forget all your problems. Go try Fifty Shades of Grey.

Have wild parties:
You will be so busy deleting Facebook photos, you will barely have time to remember what you were moaning about.

Scroll through your social networking sites
and become so grateful that you don't post all your emotional baggage on Facebook.

And last, but not least:
Write an enormous amount of shit and post it on your blog ;)


Monday, November 5, 2012

Proudly South-African

I found this email in my archives today... this is pretty funny and very accurate!

Here is a few (okay, a lot) of slang words used in South-Africa.

Ag ('A*g') 
A multi-purpose word, pronounced like the ach in German. "Ag, no man" (sign of irritation). Can precede any sentence for various effects, such as the more neutral, "Ag, I don't know." Used by some people as a stand-alone expletive. 

(Greeting) "Ahoy!" Alot of younger surfers use this old mariner's greeting. Not sure why. Also aweh, howzit, yooit, hoesit, yo. It is also to get someones attention. 

Aikona (Aikõna) 
(No way, absolutely not). From indigenous Nguni language meaning “No”. Sometimes pronounced “Haikõna” 

Aita! ('Ay-tah') (Greeting) "Aita brah!"
 Originated in the townships among the youth, and still used. It's common among politically correct (PC) people. Rabid racists in the past have miraculously become PC people. 

Aweh ('Ah-wear') 
 (Greeting) "Aweh my bru" (Hello my friend) Also howzit, yooit, hoesit, yo. 

Babalaas ('Bub-ba-lars')
 The hangover from hell, fondly called a "Barbie". The Babalas is no mythical beast. But look at yourself in the mirror and you'll wonder as you examine that furry tongue slithering in a mumbling, parched mouth, puffy eyelids scraping bloodshot eyeballs. Comes from the Zulu word ibhabhalazi. 

Bakkie (Like “lucky”) 
(Pickup truck in US, "Ute" in Australia) Many people own bakkies in South Africa, particularly in the rural areas. "That bokkie and her ballie parked off on the back of the bakkie." (That pretty girl and her father sat on the back of the pickup truck) 

 Afrikaans – from original “bul tong” – bull’s tongue. Known as beef jerky in the US. This is specially prepared dried raw meat, made from beef, venison or Ostrich. 

(Cookie, twit) Only in South Africa, where a word can mean a small crunchy cake or an insult aimed at a twit or a fool. In America, a biscuit is a scone with no sugar. In South Africa, a biscuit is actually a cookie. Some favourites are Marie, Romany Creams and Eet Sum Mor. "John, you biscuit!" 

Blaps (Blups) 
(Afrikaans – “Mistake”) "Oops, I made a blaps." 

Malay dish, but has become “traditionally Afrikaans”. Made with spicy mince, raisins, spices and yellow rice.It is baked in the oven with a couple of eggs broken on top. Delicious. Try it some time. 

Boer Afrikaans – “farmer”. Used to refer to any (conservative) Afrikaans speaking person. 

Boerewors (vorse) 
Farmstyle sausage or "wors". (Literally, "Farmers Sausage"). It is a spicy sausage made from hundreds of secret recipes all over the Platteland and beyond. It is consumed in vast quantities on braais all over the country. Boerewors is even sold in places like Australia, Canada and New Zealand to homesick expats who have done the "chicken run", ie, emigrated for fear of compromised lifestyle. 

(The) Boerewors Curtain 
Any Afrikaans speaking district, usually rural. See “Boerewors”. (Usually not the most flattering reference, although all South Africans love to eat Boerewors! Benoni & Pretoria. 

Braai (as in “High”) 
(Afrikaans - Barbecue (US) or Barbie (Aus))Probably the biggest semantic gift given to the world by South Africa. You make a braai with wood in a metal drum or between bricks. You cook your boerewors, steak, lamb chops and sosaties on it. With your meal you eat mielie pap, salads, rolls and other stuff. You drink a beer & be "gesellig". 

Afrikaans for when money are tight. "Dit gaan maar Broekskeur" 

Bunny Chow 
Indian or Malay curry inside a hollowed out loaf of white bread. Surfers from Durban grew up on this food. You get served the curry in the bread, with a square chunk taken from the inside, which you can use to dunk in the curry. Best when the bread is fresh. Bunny chow can also refer to "slap" (soft) chips in bread. 

Cape Doctor 
 The southeaster howls across the Cape Peninsula in summer, often forming a wispy, creamy white cloud that rolls over Table Mountain in the shape of a "table cloth". The name is self explanatory. Because it blows for up to a week or more at a time, often at gale-force strength, the wind blows all the pollution away. The air is beautifully clear and crisp in the wake of a southeaster. 

1. Warning. "Look out!" or "keep a look out" warning 
2. French Fries (also referred to as “slap chips” (with “slap” as in “pup” – Afrikaans for “soft”, “not stiff”. 
3. Potato Crisps 

Tjommie (“chômmy”) 
(Originally Afrikaans - Mate, friend, bru) Slightly old fashioned Afrikaans word that originates from the quaint Victorian word "Chum". Not to be confused with chumming, when you throw gore into the water to attract sharks. "tjommies" are great friends. 

Dik (as in “dirk”) 
(Afrikaans – Thick, beefy, big, full) A person can be dik or you can get dik after a big meal. "That rugby player is lank dik" (That rugby player is especially big) You can also feel "dik" after a tasty meal

Dinges ('Ding-us') 
(Afrikaans - Thingamabob, wotzit, whatchamacallit) In any town in South Africa, you might overhear the mechanic say to his colleague, "Johannes, pass me the dinges to fix the pipe".

Dof ('Dorf') (Afrikaans – “not bright”, “dull”) 
Stupid. Dunce. Someone who is dof, is not necessarily that way all the time. It is often used to describe a temporary loss of brain cells. 

Dorp ('Dorrrp') 
(Afrikaans - small town) Don’t be confused when someone says, "Let’s go for a dop in that dorp." 

Dwaal ('Dwarl') 
(Afrikaans - Dreamlike state, confused) This word describes that vacuous, blank state a person gets into sometimes. 

Eina (Ay-nah) 
(Afrikaans - Ouch) Widely used. You can shout "Eina!" when you see someone get hurt or when you get hurt yourself

Eish ('Aysh') 
(Zulu expression) Surprise, bewilderment, shock. "Eish. Voetsek! leave me alone " "Eish! you gave me a fright" 

Afrikaans for being sociable with friends 

Gesuip ('G*esayp') 
(Afrikaans - Drunk). Humans “drink”, animals “suip” – to be gesuip is to be drunk to the point of aversion. 

(Girlfriend, women) The Goose is also a reference to SA Pro Golfer Reief Goosen 

Used for emphasis. "So you're a surfer, hey?" or on its own as a way of saying "excuse me?" or "pardon?"

Hose (Laugh)
"He was hosing himself when he fell in the pool." 

How's your mind? (Are you mad?!) 
This question, often in exasperation or irritation, refers to the mental stability of the subject, who has probably done something stupid, idiotic or irritating. 

The famous South African greeting. Short for "How is it?" Try and refrain from saying, "It's fine, thanks". This will only lead to a funny look. A suitable reply is: "No, fine", which actually means "Yes, I am fine". The word "no" is often taken to mean "yes". A real Afrikaner might reply to a "Howzit", with this bewildering response: "Ja, well, no fine". This is merely a more emphatic but long-winded version of "No, fine". Also ahoy, aweh, yooit, hoesit, yo.

Isit? (Izzit?) 
This conversational word is used widely and in response to just about anything. Derived perhaps from the English way of saying "Is it really?" or the Afrikaans for "Is dit so" Can be used as a questioning "really?".

Jislaaik(Afrikaans exclamation) 
Gee whizz! 

Just now(In a little bit) 
Universally used in South Africa, it means that the action will get done "eventually", but it might mean "never". If someone says he will do it "just now", be warned. It might be in 10 minutes, 10 hours or never. "I'll clean my room just now, Ma." If someone says "now now", you're making progress. It won't be done immediately, or instantly, but probably less than 10 minutes, barring distractions that relegate it back to "just now". 


Friday, November 2, 2012


I need to vent a bit today.

I would like to officially state that if you did not come out of my uterus, I am not your mother.

People seem to think that I am able to do everything for them. This is a probably since I am a fairly capable person, but sadly, I am also human and can only do a certain amount of things while I am awake.

There. It is now out in the open and I hope it makes me feel better real soon. Likely, only some wine and chocolate will make me feel more human.

Happy Friday, peeps.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


As previously mentioned, Vampire Diaries is probably my favourite series to watch.

This is from one of the best scenes in season three. I hope you enjoy it.
